Another Farmer's Daughter's block - ba da boom! Last night I cut out another one.

I'm so excited to share my new find! Hubby wanted to go back to the antique mall yesterday - you guessed it - he wanted to go back to the golf booth. There was a 3 wood he had his eye on. So I wandered a bit while he was shopping. And look what I found!
It's the most gorgeous, well made Grandmother's Flower Garden I've ever seen! And it's big! 102 inches square!
And EVERY SINGLE flower is surrounded with fussy cut hexies! I've never seen a vintage quilt with this much fussy cutting - it wastes more fabric when you fussy cut; back in the day women couldn't afford to be wasteful. The person who made this obviously wasn't worried about that!
There is such a wide variety of fabrics, mostly florals, though I did find some little elephants in one.
The centers are all the same yellow fabric.
There is a butter yellow border around the entire quilt. The quilt is entirely hand stitched and even the quilting is all by hand. Tiny perfect stitches!
I seem to have a growing collection of vintage hexie quilts. I wasn't planning on buying more, but this one reached out and grabbed me. 'Take me home', it shouted! And the price was right. I think it's worth at least a few times over what I paid for it.
I'll take more close up photos today to share tomorrow.
I did a bit of machine quilting yesterday. Today is a day for dresden plates. I hope to crank out at least two.
Wishing you a happy day!