Monday, January 16, 2017

Hexies! And More On My Alabama Chanin Project...

I played with the star points yesterday. I could arrange this way - number 1.

Or I could do it this way - number 2.

I decided on number 1 - it reminds me of Pac Man. Ha! Let's put a bit of Pac Man in this quilt!

And now... this is for you, Robbie!!!

Robbie asked for more details on my reverse appliqué. So here's a little explanation. You all know I've sponge painted (in white paint) a stencil pattern onto pale gray fabric.  I have a layer of white fabric under the gray fabric. Two layers of fabric.

I hand stitch around each painted shape, right at the edge of the paint. I leave the knot and tail on top. I'm using a heavy button thread - look for it in the thread department. Hand quilting thread would also work though - think heavy and sturdy.

Then, once the shape has been completely stitched, I cut out the center of ONLY THE TOP FABRIC, leaving the bottom layer of white fabric showing through.

And here you have the finished shape. Remember this is cotton KNIT fabric, so it doesn't fray. I can leave the edges raw with no problem. And I don't have to turn under those edges - yippee! I hope this helps to explain what I'm doing! :)

I didn't work on this much over the weekend, but I did finally clear the project from the dining room table.

Look where I found Cooper yesterday afternoon...sound asleep on the screened porch. 

Are you ready for the week??? I am! Today is machine quilting day - and that means I need to decide whether I'm adding more borders to Bliss. And work on the backing. Maybe next week I'll be ready to baste. I hope so!

Have a great day!


  1. Well, now it makes sense! I thought you were going to needle turn and couldn't figure out the purpose of sewing along the pattern!!! DUH! Thanks for explanation!!!


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