Looky, looky! I sewed dresdens! I made two full and two half units. How many are left? Only two full and two half! Woohoo! (I'm not thrilled with those half dresdens - the dots line up in a weird way...)
What else did I get done? I pulled out the kit for the next three birds for Bird Dance. I cut all the pieces and have them divided up in plastic baggies, ready to go, ready to sew!
This is such a time saver for making these blocks!

I must run to the grocery store this morning, but it will be a quick trip. And today is machine quilting day!!! Autumn Garden will be under my Bernina and we'll see how far I get.
The weather is warming up around here again. I'm so ready for Spring, as I know you are, too. We are planning to have a new patio added to the back of our house soon - I picture myself sewing or reading out there before long.
Okay, peeps! Let's all have a wonderful day!
The Dresdens it is! They look great and I don't see a problem with the polka dot line ups. Your dog looks happy about the sun, for sure.
ReplyDeleteThe dresdens look great! Love Coop sitting in the sun! My gigi does this every morning. She'll walk around the LR hunting for the right spot!