Tuesday, March 28, 2017


A few more twosies for my En Provence border happened yesterday, but I mainly worked on Bird 8 of Bird Dance. He's almost done.

Here's a picture of the community garden in our neighborhood. It's a nice large plot of land surrounded by fencing and a locked gate. This protects it from deer and other predators. As we were leaving we met a man who has his own little section of garden here. He told us that it costs $85 to have a plot of garden - this is a lifetime fee and covers the fencing, tiller, etc. He grew watermelons last year and had a crop of 30-40 melons. This year he's planting cantaloupe. Many grow tomatoes and squash. They have a few workdays each year to get the plot ready to plant and to clear it off after the season has ended. If it had a built in sprinkler system I'd be more tempted to get my own little section. But water must be hauled in from home or from the nearby creek. In our hot Alabama summers it would be challenge to keep everything watered. Instead I think I'll plant a few herbs in pots in the backyard. That's enough gardening for me!

Being hungry seems to be the story of my life these days. I wake up hungry and go to sleep hungry. Over the weekend I realized I had hit the 200 day mark of entering my food into My Fitness Pal on the phone. 200 days! It is now a habit to eat the amount called for, and I am not tempted by foods I don't need. BUT. That low grade hunger is always with me. I try to keep drinking water to help squelch the feeling. And staying busy with quilting or something helps too - distraction is a good thing! I also try to imagine that the hunger feeling is actually fat cells popping. Whatever gets me through the day! Haha! I plan to weigh Saturday to get my March total.

Today is dresden day - but I'm still trying to decide if I want to pack this up to take to retreat. So I may instead work on those En Provence four patches.

Have a wonderful day, y'all!

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