Thursday, December 31, 2015
The Third Video!
Whew! It took me ALL DAY yesterday to get this video going! But it was worth it...
"Stitching Curved Hexagons" will teach you everything you need to know about stitching these curves, whether you want to stitch by hand or by machine. It's jam packed full of information - tips, thread choices, etc., and I'm very proud of the way it turned out. You can find it HERE.
It's the last day of the year - woohoo! That means tomorrow I'll be launching the new issue of Hexie Love- it's a wonderful issue, if I so say so myself. And don't forget...Quilty Box is my new sponsor - I'll be giving away a Quilty Box to some lucky person who purchases the issue. Yes, all you have to do is purchase a copy of the magazine (only $5.00) and you have a chance to win.
You're going to love the BLISS pattern using the Curved Hexagon Ruler - so much fun and so full of color! I'm so excited I can hardly see straight!
So today I'll be putting the final touches on all these things. Lots of loose ends to tie up and little details that need to be ironed out. Oh, and then there's football to watch while I work! Sounds like a fun day to me.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Cooper Says "Hey!"
We filmed a third video yesterday - it's a good one! In it I show you how to stitch the curved hexies together, both by hand and by machine. The only problem is....I'm having trouble uploading it into iMovie to edit and publish. I hope to get this figured out later today. So stay tuned to the Hexie Love channel on YouTube - I'll post a link to the Hexie Love Facebook page when I get it up and running.
About my hair...unfortunately it is not cooperating in these videos! I'm in need of a cut and color, but it is what it is! The important thing is what I'm talking about and teaching you, don't you think?
We have rain (again!) today - it's supposed to clear out for the weekend and we are looking forward to seeing the sun again. I did manage to run to the grocery store in between showers this morning. I have made some ham and swiss rolls (ready to go in the oven). And I have butternut squash soup simmering in the slow cooker.
Now, back to work on the video!!!
Have a great day!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Another Day, Another Video!
Yes, we filmed another video yesterday! This one shows how easy it is to glue baste curved hexies. I uploaded it yesterday, but realized this morning I had not made it public. I fixed that and it's up and running now! Click HERE to see it.
I've gotten a HUGE response from the first video. I was trying to write instructions for using the ruler and realized that words just wouldn't cut it - it's so much easier to explain in a video - a picture (video) is worth a thousand words!
I hope to make another video this morning - this one on how to stitch together these curved pieces.
Now for a doggy update...
Mickey slept great in Cooper's crate for a couple of nights. Then Cooper got bored and decided to chew up Mickey's bed. Sigh.... So last night we put Mickey in his own crate again. He barked and cried for more than an hour until Hubby "saved" him. Yes, he slept with us last night. Until he woke up a 5am (!!!!!!) needing to go out. We need another plan...
Today we have one rain-free day. Yay! Hubby's off from work all week and it's rained almost every day. But today we'll get out for a bit and enjoy the day.
Have a great day, y'all!
Monday, December 28, 2015
We Made a Video! How to Use the Curved Hexagon Ruler!
Yesterday afternoon, hubby helped me make a video to show how to use my new Curved Hexagon Ruler. Then I learned to edit it using iMovie and I uploaded it to YouTube. I had so much fun with iMovie - very simple to learn.
I still want to make two more videos (at least) - one to demonstrate basting, and another to demonstrate how I machine stitch the hexies. Yes, you can still hand stitch them if you wish! I have SO many projects so I'm always in a time crunch - the machine sewing allows me to do more in less time.
So please watch the video and let me know what you think! And subscribe to my Hexie Love YouTube channel! Thanks in advance...
Click HERE to watch!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Merry AFTER Christmas
How was your Christmas? I hope it was wonderful!
Alabama was hit hard with rain and flooding on Christmas Eve. We got more than 8" in Auburn - it poured down rain ALL DAY! But no damage at our house - we're all safe and sound.
We celebrated and opened gift with our kids on the 23rd, so both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were quiet and relaxing. On Christmas Day it was just Hubby and me, along with Daughter 2. We went to see Star Wars in the afternoon (and I saw hexagons everywhere in the movie). Fun! I made lasagna for our dinner. Yum!
Then yesterday - I never blogged because my computer was tied up all day. We downloaded all the photos from my phone (over 6000!) to my computer on Dropbox. Yes, this took hours! And HOURS!
And then I spent time cleaning up the desktop of my computer. Whew! Glad that is all done! I like to start off the new year organized.
And because my phone now has lots more space on it, hubby has been loaded music on it for me. He gave me an Adele CD and it now resides on my phone. I'm told I can push a button while in my car and hear my phone music through my car speakers. Technology!
Mickey is still adjusting to the loss of Prince. The hardest part has been sleeping alone in his crate at night. We ended up with him in bed with us for a couple of nights. That didn't work. So last night we tried something new. We put Mickey's bedding in the front of Cooper's crate and tuck them both into the same crate. Yes, the HUGE dog and the TINY dog. I'm happy to report that it worked! They both slept great! Mickey has to have a warm body beside him, and luckily Cooper is filling the role.
I've been busy finalizing the Jan/Feb issue of Hexie Love. I'm also working on packaging up the Curved Hexagon Ruler, ready to ship to you first of the just DAYS!!! Hubby will be off from work this week, so I have a feeling I'll be putting him to work on the assembly line.
Have a great day!
Friday, December 25, 2015
Merry Christmas from Hexie Love!!!
On this Christmas Day, we wish you a very happy holiday! Season's blessings to all of you!
Here are some of my quilty gifts: Kaffe Fassett fabric (YUM!), a fun modern pattern, and Hexie Love t-shirts!!!!
Thursday, December 24, 2015
On Comet and Cupid...
Another recipe for you! Here's the Snickers Salad I made. (Okay, I got the photo off the internet, but mine looks the same.) Find the recipe HERE.
We celebrated Christmas with the kids last night. What fun! Food was eaten! Presents were unwrapped! Fun was had!
The daughters!
Hubby and son-in-law!
Future son-in-law!
Mickey, Cooper, and grand-dog, Scout!
Grand-kitten, Arwen didn't get her photo taken, but she was in our bathroom - she was spayed yesterday and needed to be monitored.
I got some wonderful quilty presents - I love them all! I'm itching to stitch! I'll share photos of my gifts tomorrow.
We are in the midst of the rain that is covering much of the country. Hubby and I are having a nice slow morning with coffee. Merry Christmas EVE!
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
On Prancer and Vixen...
I saw this fruit cake recipe on Charlotte Angotti's Facebook page - it was her mother's long lost recipe that they recently found - a neighbor had borrowed it. I haven't done ANY holiday baking this year and decided to tackle this.
I couldn't find the bottom section of my tube pan, so I ended up dividing the batter and baking it in a bundt pan and a loaf pan. I poured Southern Comfort over the bundt cake and left the loaf cake non-alcoholic. (I may pour some white grape juice over it to moisten it a bit.)
We love the cake!!! So yummy - I'll think I'll be making this every year for Christmas. So with Charlotte's permission, here's her family recipe...
oven to 275 degrees F
BAKE AT 275'........2HRS-45 MINS
I used a tube pan. It is huge and
it is heavy. FYI it filled my large bowl on the Kitchen Aide mixer! I am not
sure what I am going to put it in to store it and pour Southern Comfort over
it. (not that it needs it)
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
On Dasher, On Dancer...
So how's your week going? It doesn't seem like a typical Christmas to us. I REALLY need to wrap presents today - hubby and I still haven't done this.
Both of our daughters and their significant others are coming for dinner tomorrow night - that will be fun! On the menu: smoked pork butt, buns and barbecue sauce, corn casserole, slaw, snickers salad, chips, and dessert. (You heard that correctly - a salad made with Snickers candy bars - never made it, but I've heard it's delicious.)
We are adjusting to the loss of Prince, though my lap feels half empty. Mickey has slept in the same crate with Prince for his entire life, snuggled under an old quilt with him. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and could hear Mickey crying. Yes, I went and got him and snuggled with him the rest of the night. He is having the hardest time with this.
I'm all but finished with the new issue of Hexie Love ! Just a couple of tweaks to make today and I'll call it done! Happy Dance!
We are having a rainy day - good to stay in and get some things done!
Monday, December 21, 2015
RIP Prince
We lost our sweet Prince last night. He's on the left in the photo, taken Saturday as he and Mickey basked in the sun. He was 14, but we didn't expect him to go yet. He'd been spry and happy. We are thankful to the Auburn University Veterinary Emergency Clinic - they were so kind and caring. He joins the rest of our fur babies in Heaven: Teddy, Minnie, Patches, and Oliver.
He and Mickey sleep together in the same crate, so Mickey slept alone last night for the first time. But he had Cooper in his crate right beside him, so he wasn't totally alone.
Now, on to a happier subject! I received this anonymous message from a non-reply commenter this weekend:
hi from Australia I write to ask about the material backing size for the 2015 hexi blocks does it have to 14.5 I suffered a stroke 4 weeks ago and making the hexies has helped me with my motor skills
to all in this group have a safe and happy Christmas and I cant wait to start making my 2016 hexis
I can't reply to her, so I'll do it here. Firstly, it makes me so happy that my little hexie patterns are helping you in your motor skills recovery! Smiling ear to ear! And no, you don't have to make your background squares 14.5" - it's your quilt and you have permission to make it the way you want to make it and have fun with it!
I got lots of magazine computer work done yesterday - I'm hoping to put the finishing touches on the issue today! Yes, I'm running a bit behind schedule - tis the season, I guess!
I also need to make a trip to the grocery store today (a big trip). Christmas has really snuck up on me this year!!! Hubby has agreed to help me wrap presents, so I think I'll get them out of their hiding places and when he gets home from work we'll have at it!
Hope you have a wonderful Monday!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Pine Burr Block
Did you know that the state of Alabama has an official quilt block? Ours is the Pine Burr pattern. I've always wanted to make one of these - well, maybe just one block, not an entire quilt. This poster is hanging in the cafe at the museum here in Auburn.
Does your state have an official quilt block pattern? If so, what is it?
Did hexie sewing happen yesterday? YES!
Today I'm doing computer work - trying to finish up the next issue of Hexie Love. Only a few things left to add! Then I'll take a few days off for Christmas. The final week of the year: I'll be packaging the Curved Hexie Ruler and my new water soluble hexie papers, ready to ship out in the new year. Sounds like a plan!
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Machine Stitching Hexies
I've been getting questions about the stitch I use to stitch hexies together by machine. This is stitch number 1352 on my BERNINA.
In this example I matched the thread to the fabric. But it's also fun to use a contrasting thread - why hide the stitches when they look this good?
And yes, I got lots of hexies stitched together yesterday! And here was my view of the lake across the street while I sewed. This morning the field is covered in frost. I may have to wear long sleeves today.
This morning I'm heading back to the sewing machine - need to finish a section of Bliss.
Smiles today!
Friday, December 18, 2015
Another Curved Hexie!
Another day, another curved hexie! I love this one - though I didn't fussy cut, you certainly could!
Yes, I ADORE my new ruler!!! And I know you will, too. So many possibilities...
It was wonderful having an entire day to sew yesterday, and sew, I did! Lots of hexies basted, lots of hexies stitched together. And today I'll do the same. Can you tell I'm smiling? TGIF!
I hope you make time to hexie today!
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Playing Reindeer Games...
Yesterday I had on my reindeer antlers for a bit at our neighborhood ladies' Christmas luncheon. I met lots of women and had a great time.
AND THIS! I discovered this cookie mix at the grocery store yesterday. They had me at bacon! Yum!
I did get a pile of hexies basted yesterday, and today I'll baste another pile and maybe even stitch them together. That's at the top my list. I'll be home all day today (except for running over to feed my grand-dog a couple of times) - I should be able to accomplish many things. Here's hoping!
Make it a great day!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
These curved hexies are so much fun to make! Today I'm going to crank out a pile of them. That's the plan! Today I'll have fairly "normal" day, whatever that means. I do have one more holiday luncheon, but that's my only anomaly.
I took all three doggies out for a bit yesterday afternoon - here they are, all in the back seat. Cooper was supposed to stay in the very back of my SUV, but he wanted to be near his brothers so he jumped over the seat.
So what's on your agenda today? Christmas shopping? Sewing? Cooking? Or will you be lucky enough to spend the day sewing? Have a great day!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Ta Da! Ta DONE!
And what was it like to have someone else clean my house yesterday? Fabulous! I did my part, too - and between the two of us it's all clean. Happy Dance! I've been told to disappear for the morning and that's what I'll do. I'm going to find a nice place to sit down and relax, enjoy a cup of coffee, and read. Starbucks, maybe?
Later I'm eating lunch with a few friends. We've decided to play Dirty Santa with fat quarters, so I pulled one from my Cotton & Steel Box to exchange. Love this fabric!!!
I worked a good bit on Hexie Love yesterday. 2016 will bring on the addition of video links - what fun!
I hope you have a wonderful day! And here's my challenge for you: smile at a stranger and make their day!
Monday, December 14, 2015
A Touch of Christmas
This year we went a bit minimal on the Christmas decorations. Typically we have two large trees in our living room. This year we only have one 4 foot tree on the dining room table. The only ornaments we added are our White House ornaments and my Wallace collectable candy canes. I had not seen the candy cane ornaments until we moved to Auburn. One of my friends here has quite a collection. A new one is issued each year. Now every year I order 3 - one for me and one for each of our daughters.
And the madness did continue here at the house yesterday, though most of the work was done by hubby. He pressure washed our back patio (which, by the way, is HUGE!) and he put out 40 bales of pines straw. He still has more pine straw bales to spread, but darkness stopped him last night. This morning we have heavy rain. And so, hopefully tomorrow he'll delay going to work until after he gets this chore done.
So the reason for all this hubbub?
A professional photographer is coming in the morning to photograph our home. There will even be a camera drone flying outside, overhead and everywhere. So we can't just hide things out there behind a bush or in a corner. And so now you know why we've put in FIVE days of hard work. Looking back, I can't even begin to believe what we've done in those days. WHEW!
And why the photography session? Hmmm.... You'll have to wait a bit to hear about that! But I promise I'll share soon.
A cleaning lady is due any minute this morning to help me get everything spic and span. This is new for me - I do my own cleaning and always have. But it will be nice to have help today.
I'll do a bit of cleaning too, BUT I'm planning to mainly work on Hexie Love! I got so much done on the upcoming issue yesterday - you're going to love it!
Sunday, December 13, 2015
I was searching this morning for an image that describes the last few days of my life and I found this - yes, this describes it well. (And these images are also available HERE to purchase as a quilt pattern - I may just have to buy them to make...well, someday!
I had thought yesterday would be slower, but in fact by the end of the day I had logged 18,500 steps! We took a trailer load to our storage unit across town and another trailer load to a local charity. We have one more trailer load to take to a charity later today. Hubby is outside pressure washing and I have to say that our house looks amazing. Yes, we are all ready for the holidays!
I'm back at work now, and the next Hexie Love issue is coming together nicely. I do hope you're having a more relaxing weekend than we are! Haha!
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Here's the photo from yesterday...
And here's the after!!! I love the technique of dumping everything in one spot. It looks unsurmountable - but it really doesn't take that long to sort through it.
I've officially cleaned out FIVE closets this week. Whew. And in the process, I walked 13,000 steps on each of the last two days. Last night when I was about to go to bed I realized I was only shy of 13.000 steps by about 20 steps. So what did I do? I walked around the bedroom until it hit the magic number!
Sometimes when you look at a stuffed-full closet it seems so intimidating to begin. But I jumped in headfirst and in only 2 days, it's done!
And so, back to quilting!!!
A bit blurry, but here's last night's sunset. Another beauty!
Have a great day!!!!
Friday, December 11, 2015
If you read the book (and I urge you to read the book!), then you know that you dump everything on the bed. Next you go through every item, and decide whether to keep it.
Yesterday I had two beds that looked like this. Now I just have this one, to be sorted later this morning. I worked on 4 closets yesterday and they are really looking great! It's a good feeling...
I hadn't planned to do all this before Christmas, but it is great to get organized. And it's a great workout - yesterday I walked more than 11,000 steps!
I did get some magazine work done in the afternoon. This issue is coming together very nicely - you're going to get a hexie BANG for you buck, I promise!!! Learning Illustrator has really helped me to make the diagrams looks wonderful, with easy to follow instructions.
So today will be a repeat of yesterday. I'll spend a couple of hours this morning sorting through that pile of stuff. And then I'll get back to Hexie Love.
Have a great day!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Fabric Goodness!
My Craftsy box came yesterday! I ordered this fabric during their Black Friday sale - great deals!
A box of Cotton and Steel...
Some wide quilt backing...
And some glorious Free Spirit!
I have a feeling you'll see many of these fabrics make an appearance in Bliss!
But this morning I'll put them all aside - too many other things on which to focus.
Yesterday was non-stop and today will be the same. Tis the season, I guess. And that fine! I'm cleaning out some closets this morning - remember the book on tidying? Time to do more of that! I cleaned out some craft supplies yesterday and took them to my quilt luncheon to give away - all gone!
My daughter's fiancé is coming to help me do some heavy lifting this am. (Yes, I'm paying him though he doesn't want me to.) So hopefully we'll make a big dent this morning and then I can devote the afternoon to Hexie Love.
Now on anther subject...did you know that in general, blogs get the most visitors on Tuesdays? I read this somewhere and started watching my blog traffic. Sure enough, I do get the most visitors on Tuesdays! It makes sense that weekends would be slower since most people have things to do and places to go. I guess Mondays are slow since the week is just starting. And then everyone reads blogs on Tuesday. Who knows?
As usual, my blog traffic was up on Tuesday. BUT, then yesterday it skyrocketed even more? So I'm thinking I have some new readers? If so, WELCOME! I hope you stick around. And let me also invite to you follow Hexie Love on Facebook and also to join Hexie Love Open Studio on Facebook.
Have a great day!!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Sweet Boy...
Here's my sweet boy last night. This is the way he begs: resting his head in my lap to make sure I know he's available to eat any crumb of whatever I'm eating. Wheat Thins. Yes, he got 1/2 of a cracker and was very grateful.

The FedEx man brought us a package last night - oh boy! Was it the fabric I ordered? Or that special thread package? Or maybe my shipment of rulers?
But no. It was this Chemistry study guide. Now this is a mystery. I'm not a chemistry person. Now Daughter 2 has a degree in Chemistry, but the package was addressed to me. No receipt or paper work enclosed. Daughter 2 knows nothing about it either. Weird!
So hubby stayed home again yesterday, on high alert for kidney stones. Got one! Yay! He back at work today. I have a full day ahead of me - a quilting luncheon, some housework, and some Hexie Love
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
A Busy Monday
Yesterday started EARLY for us. We were up at 4:45 to get hubby to a scheduled procedure - he had a kidney stone zapped. I'd been after him to get this done before the end of the year (as his doctor had advised). And so, it is done. And he is fine, just a bit sore.
Yesterday also marked the first chemotherapy for my FIL. One down, three to go!
Also yesterday...Daughter 1 started a new job. She had not been looking, but this company sought her out and it's a great opportunity for her. So proud!
And if that's not enough, Daughter 2 is attending an important Pharmacy conference and met with residency programs yesterday. Again, so proud!
I checked in on Daughter 1's Scout a couple of time yesterday - so sweet and smart.
I think that was enough for one day!
And so today...
Back to work! Or should I say, back to FUN! I have lots of magazine stuff to accomplish today. I'm working on the pattern instructions for the first part of Bliss. Let me just say that's is much easier to design and make the quilt than it is to pattern it! I'm learning Adobe Illustrator and using it to make diagrams so it will be easy to follow. I'm still low on the learning curve, but I'm making progress!
So, what are you doing today? Make it a great one!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Hexie Love 2016
Let's talk about 2016! And what you should expect from Hexie Love.
1. BLISS! In every issue in 2016, a portion of the pattern will be given with complete instructions. Bliss features curved pieced hexagons and you're going to love making these! The curves add such a dimension to all the straight lines inherent in hexagons.
2. The 2016 Hexagon Block of the Month! Yes, in 2016 the BOM patterns will be within Hexie Love. There will be two patterns in each issue so that at the end of the year you'll have 12 blocks. Why are they in the magazine next year? It will really help me to have all my eggs in one basket, so to speak. The BOM will be called "Folk Art Hexies" and I know you'll love the patterns as much as I do.
3. Featured hexagon quilt artists, scrappy patterns, hexagon products, 'just for fun' patterns, book reviews, product reviews! And more quilts from YOU, the reader! Yes, all your favorites will still be in Hexie Love!
4. PRICE CUT! As my digital magazine journey continues, I've managed over the course of the year to lower my overhead costs. And I'm going to pass along the savings to you! Starting in January, each issue of Hexie Love will only cost $5.00. Spread the word! That's an average of only $2.50 per month for all this hexie goodness (way less than a cup of coffee)!
My shipment of Curved Hexagon Rulers in on the way and will be available on January 1, ready for you to order! Yay!!! The ruler will REALLY help in making the curved hexagons for Bliss.
Drumroll here....
I've decided that I receive so much love and gratitude and joy from my quilting journey and it's time to give back! And so, beginning in 2016 I'll be donating a portion of the proceeds from Hexie Love, ruler sales, and water soluble hexagon paper sales to St. Judes Children's Research Hospital.
I'm so excited about the future of Hexie Love and I hope you are, too!
A Day Off...
Mickey has his Christmas on this morning! And doesn't he look adorable...
And here's a peak at my BH quilt, with orange instead of red. My gray constant is a chemistry print that I love - you know, there are hexagons in chemistry.... This the third quilt in which I've used this fabric.
Yesterday hubby and I had a fun day together - life has been so hectic and we haven't done this in a long time. We went out for breakfast, had a nice drive, watched football on our back patio, visited our grand-kitties. Daughter 2 is out of town for a conference, so we're checking in on her cats.
And Daughter 1 will be out of town on a business trip so I'll be checking in on Scout for a few days, too. Yes, they have both inherited my animal loving gene. And I'm glad! Life is so much better with a pet, or two, or three.
Today I'll be spending lots of time with my computer, working on the next issue of Hexie Love. I'll sharing some exciting news about the next issue tomorrow, so stay tuned!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Are You IN?
Are you ready? Are you in? Are you as excited as I am???
It's Bliss! The 2016 Hexie Quilt-A-Long! Coming January 1, 2016.
I had the best day yesterday. I accomplished lots of hexie stuff. I did my meal planning and grocery shopping. AND I even found some stolen time to work on my BH mystery. Not only did I switch the size up (cutting my pieces bigger), but I also switched out the colors. Instead of red, I'm using orange. I love orange! I'll share a picture soon...
All my on-line shopping orders are coming in - I received FOUR packages yesterday. One was a quilt being returned to me by AQS - it's been on loan to them for more than a year to display in quilt show. And one package contained my MOB dress! (That's "mother of the bride.") I found one I liked and decided to order it - it fits beautifully and I love it! That was easy! I'm keeping the tags on - if I lose a bit of weight before then, I can always swap it for a different size. So excited!
Friday, December 4, 2015
Sunsets and Doggies
It's rare for me to get a photo of all three of our fur babies in one shot - but I caught this moment yesterday afternoon - the three of them had been playing together and took a bit of a break. Can't imagine life without our pups!
I was coming home at dusk yesterday and was treated to a fabulous sunset. It seems we regularly have the most gorgeous sunsets here! I don't remember such glorious sunsets in Birmingham - maybe I missed them? These photos are straight out of my phone - no enhancement added!
I didn't get much done in the way of sewing laid plans....
But I've made my list for today, and I aim to be productive. I'll be basting hexies, and grocery shopping, and cutting fabric! Lots of fun stuff!!!
I hope you have a great day!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Stolen Time
I thought you might be interested in a progress report on my Featherweight stitching. Whenever I have a minute or two, waiting for the oven to preheat, or waiting for the dogs to come back in, or waiting for anything, I sit down a stitch a few triangle units for the Bonnie Hunter mystery. I love these stolen moments of time. And in these little bits of minutes, I've managed to stitch well over 100 half square triangles. No, I probably won't be done with these before the next clue is released tomorrow. And that's fine. It's not a race! I'll probably go ahead and cut out the next clue so it will be ready to sew when I'm ready. (The red cup is for my thread bits - my trash cup!
I had such a productive day yesterday! I spent the entire day on the computer. I'm teaching myself to use Adobe Illustrator. Yesterday I learned something new and spent the day using it to make pattern drawings for Hexie Love. I want the patterns to look as professional as possible and to be easy for you to follow. I love my job!!!
With all the sad news on TV - another mass shooting - I had to flip the channel back to my sappy Christmas movies. Too much violence and sadness in the world.
Okay. Enough said. Time for another cup of coffee and some hexie basting! Have a great day!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Wednesday Ramblings
Here's a "glamour shot" of my 2015 Hexie Block of the Month quilt. I shared this on Facebook yesterday and thought I'd share it here, too.
Yesterday I stitched 24 hexies to BLISS. Then I pinned it to my design wall, stood back and...
Well, I've never had this happen before. EVER. With any quilt I've every made! Here's what happened...
I had chills run through my body. Actual CHILLS! I have NEVER had a PHYSICAL reaction to a quilt in progress, or any quilt for that matter. Yes, this quilt really is BLISS...
How's your Christmas shopping coming along? I'm DONE! I did most of my shopping on-line - easy peasy. How can you beat free shipping offers and delivery to our home?
Today I'll be basting more hexies for BLISS. And I'll be working on Hexie Love. I'm also meeting a friend for lunch - that will be a fun break in my day!
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
December 2015 Hexie Block of the Month!
It December!!! WooHoo!!! Let's finish strong on this quilt! Are you caught up? I know many of you are, because I've been seeing some gorgeous blocks over on the Facebook page.
And here's a photo of my quilt, made with 2 1/2" (cut) sashing. I think I'll add another border or two before I call it done. I really LOVE IT!!!
Can't wait to see how all of you finish your BOM quits!
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