Monday, June 27, 2016

I'm Back Home

This is just a random photo - I saw this image on the screen at the end of a TV show and thought it would make a great quilt. What do you think?

I had traveled to Augusta to help move my mother to an assisted living facility on Saturday. I stayed with her at her apartment and spent Thursday afternoon and Friday packing up her clothes, etc.

Unfortunately she fell during the night Friday night. I was so tired (and under the influence of Benadryl) that I didn't even hear her fall. Nor did I hear her call me for help for 5-10 minutes. Finally she knocked on her closet door and that got me awake. I'm so glad I was there - she would have been lying there in a pool of blood all night otherwise.

I called my brother (a doctor) first though I felt she need to go to the ER. Once he got there, he was able to stop the bleeding from the back of her head and we called 911. She had a bumpy ride to the ER, where she got 8 staples. Poor thing! Luckily no bones were broken. Back home we went to sleep a few more hours.

The move on Saturday went well. My brother and two of his strong sons did all he heavy work in temperatures just over 100 - of course it had to be miserably hot!

The happy ending is -
She has a lovely place there - a living room, bedroom, large bathroom, and a kitchenette. The facility provides three meals per day. She's beginning to meet people and feel at home.

I'll be back and forth for the next month to help my brother empty her apartment - we have until the end of July. We are so glad she is settled and seems happy!

This morning the dogs have a vet appointment - they're not too excited about that...


  1. we all love happy endings! love trees and have collected images like this from wherever I find them and should have enough to make quilt blocks with them. this is the first with squares. so, yes, this would make a great quilt!

  2. So sorry about your mom!!! BUT, you are right..what if you had not been there!!! OMG! My Kalee and I visit our local Assisted Living and it is a great place...they are watched constantly, fed, have activities...and visits from us therapy dogs!!! And yes, that TV pic would make a great quilt! I'm back working on hexes!!! Yipee!

  3. You sure have have an eventful 6 months. God bless you. Hope you get to relax a bit more.

  4. Sorry your Mom had a trip to the ER, but glad it wasn't to serious in the end. Sounds like her move went well. I hope she enjoys her new place.


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