
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Another Favorite Paducah Quilt

I wish you could see this quilt in person! This photo doesn't do it justice. Again, this is made by a quilter from Japan. 

I'm having a bit of a love affair with Japanese taupe quilts. I just love them! The hand workmanship of Japanese quilters is amazing! And what they do with taupe - I'm in awe! 

 This is obviously a wedding ring quilt for a wedding gift. But do you see the arcs are made from little appliquéd circles? PERFECT circles. WOW!!!!

I have been wanting to make a taupe/gray/tan quilt for some time now. I found a booth at Paducah that was filled with Japanese taupe fabrics - beautiful woven fabrics. Yes, I bought a bag - full! I'll share them soon as my Paducah posts continue.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I can see in this picture how wonderful this quilt. I have attended IQA shows in Houston and Chicago and always have admired the work the Japanese ladies do. Beautiful workmanship for sure!


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