
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Another Hexie Day!

I worked more on these yesterday. I stitched all the basted pieces into hexies and then started stitching them into three-sies. Almost ready to stitch them to the mother star!

And I worked on the next Farmer's Daughter block. This block will be finished in no time flat!

No machine sewing yesterday... BUT today I think I'll work a bit on machine quilting Bliss to get a head start on tomorrow. And maybe I'll make a zippered bag or two...

It was a bit chilly yesterday so we had a fire for a bit. And here's what happened...

Aren't they sweet together? You know, when I decided I wanted a yellow lab I told hubby it was for two reasons. The first was to have a lake dog who enjoyed swimming. The second was because I had a vision in my mind of a yellow lab sleeping in front of the fire. The swimming happened immediately when Cooper was just a puppy - he so loves to swim! But it took a few years for him to get out of puppy-hood and settle down. Now both of my lab goals have been met!

Lots of love to you all today!

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