
Monday, August 22, 2016

Machine Piecing!

Since I wanted to rest my hands yesterday I cut and stitched the next Allietare clue - Clue Number 4 in done! You know, I've always said that I'm not a good piecer. I really need to stop and measure MORE! Most of these units are a bit off - this was the best one and even at that it's a bit wobbly.

And guess what? Today's schedule calls for Allietare! The pieces for Clue 5 are already cut - some are half square triangles that were made in Clue 1 - so that will be easy to jump into this morning.

I'm loving the progress I'm making on ALL my progress. And I like that I have hexie scheduled for more days than the other projects. Once a project is complete, I'll move something else into the rotation. It's working!

Mickey was my helper yesterday...always underneath a quilt.


  1. When it's quilted and you stand back a foot or two, you will never notice that it isn't perfect. And in six months, you won't notice it even if you are closer. =)

  2. My piecing on Allietare was not precise at all. Now that it is in a top, you can't really see it. It is a busy quilt, so that helps, too. Can't wait to see your finished projects! And Mickey is so cute under the quilt!

    Sandy A

  3. Glad I amnot the only one whose piecing can be slightly off.

    How adorable is Mickey, makes me want to grab him and kiss him!


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