
Monday, September 16, 2013

Ready for Cleveland!

I think I'm almost ready for my trip to film a segment for Quilting Arts TV. I made two display boards to show some samples. They are covered with a nice acrylic felt. How do you carry something like this on a plane? I made them so they will collapse and fold in half. Yes, sometimes my Engineering degree does come in handy. I'll have to show you the back sometime - I'm so glad my plan worked. It involves velcro, jumbo popsicle sticks, and brads. These will come in handy when I teach classes, too.

Got my nails done today - neat cuticles and clear polish as instructed by the show's producer.

Tomorrow I'll be buy practicing and timing my self and....PACKING! Say a prayer for me please!


  1. You will DO WELL! I hope you enjoy it, too - what a cool thing to mark off your bucket list - go Judy!

  2. Good luck in Cleveland! (my former home town)


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