
Monday, September 26, 2022

The Move


Here was the moving truck, pulled up to the previous home. All went well, EXCEPT the truck they brought was way too small. They had to make 3 trips between houses to get everything moved. !!!!!!!!

It was a very long day, but the movers were very careful and that was nice. Whew! So glad that is over!

Here's what the doggos thought about the entire process. Exhausting! They were right! I walked 12,000 steps that day without going anywhere.

The move is not officially over yet. We still have a storage unit full of stuff that we'll gradually move over here to the new home. Plus our golf cart and some outdoor furniture are still at the old home. The outdoor furniture will get moved to the lake and we'll bring the golf cart here to the new home. 

We've done lots of unpacking, but there is more to go. Today's focus for me will be the laundry room. I'll work on this while Sadie is in preschool. As far as my sewing room....I've haven't started setting it up yet. There are boxes and totes everywhere there! I've ordered some shelving to store plastic totes and it should be in later this week. By then I'll be ready to focus my attention there. I really want to get the rest of the house set up first.

BUT, I have picked up my hand stitching! I've been working on binding a quilt for the last couple of evenings. It's so good to hold a needle again!!!

The day after the move we took in some high school football. What a gorgeous sunset! Our team didn't win, but it was nice to be out and about. 

Enjoy your week! Hopefully there will be more sewing posts in the near future!

Monday, September 19, 2022

Packing, Packing, Packing!

Another Aubie photo opp! Yes, we do get cleaned up every once in a while! We took a break from packing to attend a celebration as one of our daughters was named to the '20 Under 40' inaugural class for Auburn University. 

It was a wonderful respite from all the chaos going on with moving.

Also in attendance were our other daughter, very pregnant, with her husband. It was a fun time for our family and we all really enjoyed it.

And then it was back to packing! We have three more days to prepare for the big move on Thursday. We're right on schedule, maybe a bit ahead even. We've taken carloads of small things every day and put them away in the new home. By the move day, my new kitchen will be set up and ready to go - almost all my dishes, cookware, etc., are already there and put away. There are two beds there already (purchased with home) and they are both made with fresh linens.

I really think we're going to LOVE out new neighborhood. Some of the women have already reached out to me, though we haven't met in person yet. I've been invited to two events by the ladies there so far and will attend one tomorrow night. We are so excited and can't wait to have all out things there and slowly unpack. SLOWLY! We are tired of the rush. We are just plain tired. But all is going well and I'm sure this week will pass quickly.

That's my update for now. I'll be back to sewing VERY SOON, I'm sure. And Hubby will be back to playing golf.

Enjoy your week!


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

No Sewing...But LOTS of Fun...And Packing!


This was last Friday - I was my Daughter's guest at a luncheon on Auburn's campus. (FYI - that's Aubie with us!) She was the keynote speaker at the event for high school senior girls, promoting Engineering at Auburn University. Yes, she and I are both Auburn Engineers, along with Hubby and several other family members.

If you look closely at this slide she's presenting, you see me. There I am in the photo as a senior at Auburn wearing the special interview suit my mother bought me. I still remember shopping for that suit. It helped me land several job offers.

This luncheon happened only a couple of hours after we closed on the new house. 

Here I am a day or so later, sitting on the back porch, waiting for Hubby to finish doing something. No, we haven't moved in yet. The previous owner left the outdoor furniture for us though, so I do have a place to sit. 

The carpet was pulled out in the upstairs and new wood floors have already been installed. A painter is starting today to paint the rooms upstairs and do some touch up work throughout the house. We already have a few TV's there. Internet is up and running. And there are two beds already made up. Even my sewing machines are already there, tucked away somewhere. 

The big move is next week, but we are taking a few small things over here and there. This is the EASIEST move we've ever had. And that is good. Local moves from one house, straight to another, are pretty easy.

I'll get back to sewing very soon, I'm sure. Can't wait to set up my new sewing room. It will be really nice!

Happy Fall to all!

Monday, September 5, 2022

If It's Football Season....

If it's football season....then I'm hand quilting!

I've pulled out my Marshal quilt. I started the hand quilting on this last year during football season and didn't finish it. And so it sat since then. I'm determined to finish it this season!!!

I adore the texture of hand quilting!! It's so good to have this in my lap again. And I'm making great progress so far. 

And now for an update on the baby quilts. I finished the tops! My friend quilted them! I have made all the binding and machine stitched it on. The hand stitching is in progress. I won't share them again until they have been gifted.

So my friend, Beth...(she is also my quilter)...sent me down a rabbit hole. She is a very talented quilter. But she has also recently rediscovered needlepoint. Yup. And for some reason, I always want to do what she is doing. Do  you have friends like that?

Beth suggested I order a Stitch and Zip kit. It's a zippered pouch and it's all put together. So no finishing is required. I found this little ditty on ebay and grabbed it. It's not big and should be a good way to get back into needlepoint after years away. And I can always use another zippered pouch.

If you look closely, you'll see that I have just started the white background in the corner. 

So yes, I've been very busy this week!

We close on our new home Friday - EEK! YAY! But we won't move in for another couple of weeks. We'll probably start packing later this week. And I'm not even dreading packing - I really don't think it will be so bad. Let's hope not anyway.

Keep stitching!