
Friday, October 30, 2015

2015 November Hexie BOM!

It's here! It's early! I know that with company here this weekend, I may not have the time to post this, so now you can have a small head start. I photographed the block in my backyard with a scattering of Fall leaves.

Have fun with it!

Downtown Inspiration

I few day ago I walked a bit downtown. This is the building where hubby and I had our first date - free movie...

College Street...

I love that every time I walk, I see patterns and details I've never noticed before.

Love the details on this building - nope - never noticed them before...

And so, what's up for me today? Last minute stuff to get ready for my family coming later this afternoon: my brother, my nephews, my mother. And a few last minute Hexie Love things to accomplish. Little details....

Trick or Treating was last night here in Auburn because of high school football tonight and college football tomorrow. Yes, football runs everything here in the south. I'm afraid we were "bah humbug" about trick-or-treating this year. I delivered candy to some kids on our street earlier in the day and we turned out the lights and hibernated. We were just not in the mood. And now we have a huge bowl of candy left - hope my family digs into it this weekend!

I am so glad this week in in the books. What a week! I'm planning on a fabulous hexie weekend - what about you?

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Almost Time!!!!

I'm so excited that it's almost time to reveal Odyssey! I so LOVE this pattern!!! And hope you do, too. For those of you new to the blog, the quilt is patterned in all the 2015 issues of Hexie Love - a little bit each issue, with the final instructions coming up in the November/December issue, just days away!

Have you heard this song? "Can't Sleep Love" by Pentatonix. I saw this group sing this song on Jimmy Fallon recently and now it's one of my favorites. It's an accupello group (NO musical instruments). 

And why did I take a photo of my car radio screen? I'm compiling a list of songs for the wedding reception playlist - and I can never remember the songs and artists. So if I'm at a stop light or in a parking lot, I take a photo of the dash when a good song is playing.

Yesterday was a day of errands. I traveled to Columbus, GA, (only about a 30-40 minutes away) to pick up the wedding dress. Yay! BUT before that, I stopped by a mall in Columbus to visit H&M. The last time I'd been in an H&M was about 20 years ago during a trip to New York City. When I heard one had opened in Columbus, I was anxious to go. So go, I did!

And guess what? I found not one, but TWO pairs of new jeans! Now maybe this doesn't sound worthy of exclamation points to you.... But I've been needing new jeans for MONTHS! I've looked everywhere and tried on dozens of pairs. And I walked into H&M and loved the first pair I tried on. You know, sometimes it's simple things like finding a new pair of jeans (or two) that can make up happy.

So what else is going on around here?
Today I need to photograph the November BOM - top priority. (Heads up, you may get this pattern BEFORE November 1.....)

We have loads of family members coming to town tomorrow (YAY!) for the football game this weekend. Every bed and sofa has been claimed! There will be food, fun, and laughter!

And on a sad note, another family member got a devastating health diagnosis yesterday. Cancer has reared it's ugly head in our family. Prayers....

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Talented Friends...

I'm so lucky to have so many friends around me who share my love of quilting. These hexie units were made by two different ladies, each making a Grandmother's Flower Garden. Yes, hexie are thriving in Auburn, AL!

One of my friends is working on some adorable knitted monster mittens for grandchildren - impressive!

And I love this quilt another friend has made from shirts - WOW!

We have had a dreary week around here; yesterday was a constant drizzle. It looks and feels like Fall. And that's okay with me! Though I am looking forward to seeing the sun again. For now I'll play with my bright fabrics to bring color to the day!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wedding Guests? The Bearded Bunny Men...

We are currently working on the wedding guest list. These guys are not on the list, but they will be attending...

There is a year-long sculpture exhibit outside the venue (installed after we signed the contract) - the exhibition is called "Out of the Box." The Bearded Bunny Men (as my family now calls them) are positioned in the water beside the venue. Their official title is "Alex Pedesta, Self-Portrait as Bunnies (The Bathers)" and if you choose you can read more about them here.

To put it bluntly, we are not enamored with these guys. I know that art takes many forms. As a quilt artist, some people might not view my work as art, though I certainly do. I adore good art! Let's just say that these at not to my taste. Oh well. We have decided to laugh about the Bearded Bunny Men and leave it at that! Yes, you just have to LAUGH and move on!

I put the final touches on the November/December issue of Hexie Love yesterday! Happy Dance!

Today I plan to do some fussy cutting - fun stuff!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Polyester Hexies...

I'm so excited that this vintage POLYESTER (!!!!) hexie quilt joined my collection!! I had never seen one of these and I love it! Thanks to the friend to gave it to me!! I adore it! More on this quilt in the next issue of Hexie Love!

You may have noticed that I'm not at Quilt Market. I know! I wish I were there! Next year for sure!

I've been following all fun going on there and have discovered a couple of new hexie things to share soon!

The truth of the matter is that I am developing two new products! Yay! But they weren't quite ready to make their debut at Market.

What did you ask? OH! Of course, YES, they are hexie related!!!

Let's make it a great MONDAY!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Yesterday started of with CAKE!!! We had four flavors to taste - what fun! I was just there to taste and support. Daughter 2 and her fiancé made all the decisions. And Daughter 1 came along to taste, too. So now the wedding cake and groom's cake have both been designed and ordered - check another item off the list!

Then home again to watch football. Cooper preferred napping on his ottoman. (I napped on the sofa...)

Today.....there will be sewing. And grocery shopping. And laundry. And more sewing.....

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hexie Tiles!

Wouldn't you love to have this under your feet in the shower! Love it! I walked though a new house for sale yesterday and spotted this.

Last night the girls BOTH came over for dinner. Yay! Their significant others were both working. We had a fun evening.

And this morning, we have the fun event of the official Wedding Cake Tasting for the wedding - my favorite part of wedding planning.

So what else is new? A few days ago, The Hexie Blog hit 300,000 views thanks to all of YOU!!!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Friday, October 23, 2015


Yesterday I worked a bit on the wedding quilt - made lots of melon slices. Bunches of melon slices. Today I can put another row together. And I will!

I'll be home all day waiting for a guy to come replace our ice maker. Hope he comes this morning...

I also plan to do a bit of hexie designing - one of my favorite things to do.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

New Clothes?

Firstly this morning, I'm feeling better! Yay! A day of rest did me good.

Secondly, Momma needs some new clothes! You know, we have a wedding coming up in the Spring. And that means showers and parties. I really need to boost my wardrobe and never seem to find clothing I like. My style has changed over the years. I like long tops and leggings. Interesting dresses. Not the same stuff I used to wear in either my Engineering days or my stay-at-home mom days. As a quilter, I like to wear color and pizazz. So what's a girl to do? 

I recently discovered the designs of Marcy Tilton. She designs patterns for Vogue and I love them!
Find her blog HERE. And find her patterns HERE. I ordered several patterns last week - they were on sale for only $5.99 each! I noticed the price is back up to $18.00 each today.

Anyway, I haven't sewn garments in years, but I'm up for the challenge. Can't wait to get the patterns and start creating. I'll keep you posted on this project.

And since I took the day off yesterday, I have no hexie to share. So I'll share the dinner I cooked last night. Baked sweet potatoes. Lima Beans. Steamed cabbage. Broccoli. And there are lots of leftovers!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


This was Cooper yesterday afternoon, sound asleep, snoring, when his head fell off the chair. What a tired doggy!

I'm feeling a bit like this today - I may be getting sick - hope not, but I'm due. I'm planning on resting a bunch today, drinking lots of water, and hoping this sore throat doesn't turn into something.

I only have one small item to add to the next issue Hexie Love, so that's on track. Yay!

In other news, the excitement for next year at Hexie Love, Inc. is growing! I approved the artwork yesterday for my new.....invention! Oh, you're going to love this! More on this soon...

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Reuben Mummy

Okay. Here is the Reuben Braid Mummy all baked. Yes, it was good! And so simple! I bought a loaf of frozen bread dough and thawed it overnight on the counter as the instructions directed. The next morning (yesterday) I rolled it out on a greased baking sheet. Next I placed chopped corned beef (from deli) down the center, topped it with drained sauerkraut, slices of swiss cheese, and some squirts of Thousand Island dressing. I cut slits in the sides of the dough and brought them to them to the top. Then I let the mummy rise again, for an hour or two. Bake at 375 F for about 25 minutes. Done!

This would also be good with caraway seeds sprinkled over the top before baking.

I served it with baked sweet potatoes and coleslaw. Yum!

As I sat in my chair working yesterday, I felt eyes on me. Turned to the right and this was my view. Gotta love him!

Hope you have a hexie filled day!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Chain Stitch, Anyone?

What's one more project? Ha! Yes, I started something new last night. I had finished the November BOM. And I wanted to keep my hands busy during TV time. There were no hexies within reach, but this little African Folklore Embroidery kit was very close. And so it goes.

I have two of these kits, but depicting cups. I'm thinking they'll make cute pillows. Someday.

I'm in a really good place in my work. I seem to be not only caught up, but ahead! What a good feeling that is.

Today I'll work a bit on the wedding quilt. AND the next issue of Hexie Love. And the December BOM. Oh, and I have a routine dental appointment, too.

Let me tell you, Cooper has a new love. Corned Beef! I put together dinner a little while ago (didn't I say I was ahead?) - it's a braided reuben sandwich. I rolled out bread dough, layered it with corned beef, swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and dressing. It's rising now. But when I got the corned beef out of the refrigerator, Cooper went absolutely crazy! Oh, the smells! I gave him a small bite and he LOVED it.

So my braided sandwich looks more like a mummy, but 'tis the season, right? I'll take a picture after it's baked. Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

This Bud's For You...

And we're not talking beer...

Another quilt from MORE Quick and Easy Hexie Quilts...

Love this one - LOTS of hexies! And it's made in columns to make it easier to assemble.

And so....

I've been working nonstop lately! Why? Because in addition to working on the final issue of Hexie Love for 2015, I'm working on the next year of Hexie Love. There are so many NEW things in store! I'm just about busting at the seams to share, but I need to find my patience...

Today's plans include working on a couple of articles for Hexie Love, working on next year's progressive quilt, AND maybe I'll even work on the December BOM. All while watching football...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Quilt Inspiration...

Where do you get you quilt inspiration? From nature?

From architecture?

From shopping trips?

If you're like me, you get it EVERYWHERE! There is pattern and color everywhere. Keep you eyes open --- I'll bet you find some inspiration today!

This little guy is coming to visit tonight - oh, Cooper is going to have so much fun!!!

At this point I usually talk about what I accomplished the previous day. Well...

I did not get much done. Period. Just one of those days. But I'm up and at 'em this morning! And things WILL get done!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Star Crossed

Here's a quilt from my book, MORE Quick and Easy Hexie Quilts. I love the simplicity of these big hexies. I typically keep all my book quilts, but sometimes there is an exception. I gifted a quilt from Quick and Easy Hexie Quilts to a special girl - the daughter of a good friend who was battling cancer. Thankfully, she is now healthy. And now Star Crossed will be finding a new home with a special family member who is facing his own battle.

Yesterday I finished the appliqué on the November BOM - perle cotton quilting to come today! My favorite part!

And more Hexie Love stuff...

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lou's Progress!

Remember Lou and her hexie dilemma? How to add borders to her hexie quilt? Well, she'm making great progress! Here's what she said,

"This is what I have so far.... the 2 side borders are attached and I left a few hexies on top unattached for when I sew the borders together. 
Now to pin and sew the top and bottoms. I will trim and pop out papers after I have it all together. 
Haven't decided if I am mitering or appliqueing the borders together."

WOW! Looking fantastic, Lou!

Yesterday was a very productive day and today will be another one. I basted a bunch of parts and pieces for the next progressive quilt last night - I have the November BOM ready to appliqué - and I'll work on the wedding quilt. AND I can't forget the next issue of Hexie Love!

Hope you have a great day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hexie Applique

Mickey is my lap helper this morning. Okay, he's not much help...but he is keeping my lap warm, so I guess it's something. It was pitch dark when we got up this morning - hard to get awake on mornings like this. It's also pouring rain. I'll be in sewing and working so that's okay.

First on the agenda is to appliqué the November BOM.

I worked on next year's progressive quilt yesterday - oh this is fun!!! As I think I've mentioned, this one is wall to wall hexies - no applique! I'm having so much fun fussy cutting! I'll do more of this today, too.

Okay, the sun is finally rising. I think that's my signal to get to work!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Hexie Monday!!!

I know lots of people hate Mondays. I don't! It's the beginning of a few week of sewing and creating and inspiration. And I'm ready to get this week going!

This is a dahlia blooming in our backyard. Hubby threw out a handful of seeds last year and something came up!

Yes, we did go for a nice walk on campus in the late afternoon. It was perfect weather and we enjoyed it.

And I have to share this Cooper funny. Cooper is not afraid of steps, water, almost anything. But he put his brakes on when it came to crossing over these shiny pavers set in a herringbone pattern. This happened twice in similar locations on campus during our walk. I finally had to walk across first so he could see all was okay. And even then he didn't like it, but finally hurried across. Funny dog!

Today I'll be working on the November BOM - should be ready to start the appliqué later today.

I'll take a bit of time to work on the wedding quilt.

AND I'm also working on next year's progressive quilt - it's a fun one!!!

Have a great day!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Photo Shoot

The first item on the agenda yesterday was photographing Odyssey. Hubby helped me and we got it done!

Hopefully I'll finish putting all the pieces together for the November BOM today. AND I'm planning to work on next year's progressive quilt (which is really lovely, if I do say so).

I'm really enjoying the weather lately. A bit cooler, but not too cool. Maybe a long walk today? I hope so...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Street Party

We had a fun time last night - street party downtown! And yes, Aubie was there and was sweet to pose with me.

Daughter 1 came with us and we strolled through the streets, listening the to band and browsing the vendors.

I spend so much time INSIDE working - and it was good to get out for the evening.

And YES - I put the last stitch in Odyssey yesterday!!!! (Except for the label.) Photo shoot is ON for today! WOOHOO!

I also did more tidying yesterday. WHERE? My email account! Oh my, it was a mess. So much clutter. I'm embarrassed to say that I had over 3000 messages in my inbox. Most of them junk. And so I went to work UNSUBSCRIBING to so many email I get from various sources. That will help. Then I went to work DELETING. I'm now down to about 1500 in my inbox. Halfway there!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Friday, October 9, 2015

24 Hexies...

I basted 24 more hexies yesterday and am now in the process of stitching hexies together for the November BOM. After this block, only one more to go this year!

And the cool thing is - I've already made the January block for next year!

Yesterday afternoon I finished the binding on Odyssey. Today I'll stitch down the hanging sleeve. Busy week!!!

More of all of this stitching continues today. Plus there's an art walk downtown tonight and a free Brad Paisley concert on campus. Getting set for a relaxing weekend!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Need More Hexies!

I'm happy to report that Cooper is sweetly napping in hubby's recliner this morning with no contraband in his mouth. Sweet dreams, Cooper...

I basted a pile of 3/4" hexies yesterday - need more for the next BOM design, but I got a good start.

And I'm still binding away on Odyssey.

Today I'll be working on an article for Hexie Love. AND more fun stuff!

You know, life is never boring around here. Last night one of our daughters had a mouse in her back yard. EEK! Her dog was tracking it. He caught and killed it - good boy, Scout! Her husband wasn't home from work yet, so hubby went over and disposed of the mouse. From fleas, to fruit flies, to a mouse... Hopefully the critters are almost gone...

Update on this post about the Hexie Dilemma:
Karen from Faeries and Fibres has also written a blog post about the appliqué of a hexie quilt to a background. You can find it HERE! Thanks so much for sharing, Karen!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Blinded by the Light...

I sorted through my stash of 3/4 inch hexies yesterday to see what I had to work with for the November BOM. This morning while I drink my's all about that baste! Need more!

This is my view for a few minutes every morning this time of year. The blinding light? That's the sun reflecting off a stainless steel grill on our patio, shining through our glass fireplace. Luckily it only happens for a week or two once per year. I position my lap top screen so that the light is blocked as I sit in my chair for coffee time. As I'm writing this, it's already dissipated.

I did do my daily Odyssey binding yesterday. Two sides are complete! Another side is on the agenda for today.

Today is also my day for a flu shot. Have you gotten yours yet? I typically get sick only about once per year. The last time (unfortunately!) began last year while I was in Houston for Quiltfest. You may remember that the flight home didn't help and I ended up with a nasty ear infection and was sick for a few weeks. Even though that wasn't the flu, I always get a flu shot - the flu is no fun at all!

And now a question for you...
I had someone ask me recently what I do with all the quilts I make - since we have a limited number of beds. (She seemed to be implying that maybe it's time to move on to another hobby.)  HA! She's obviously not a quilter! (She's an old friend whom I adore.) Do you get this question from non-quilters? What do you say?

My answer was:

I keep many of them carefully stored to take with me for speaking engagements - these aren't used at this time. Then I have quilts that I do make to use - they are on beds or piled in the living room to snuggle with during TV (hexie) time. And then there are the quilts I make for gifts. And I also make some quilts to challenge myself - maybe to enter in a competition, or to practice a new skill, or to see if a new technique I'm developing works.

And (of course!) there are my primary loves - hexie quilts. I am currently on schedule to make two per year - the Block of the Month and the Progressive quilt. These are my original designs and they allow me to pace myself, always having small goals to make progress on both quilts. These quilts are my heartbeat, my bread and butter, my soul. That being said, you're going to love the projects for 2016!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Okay, I know I'm a bit odd. I set these strange goals for myself. Yesterday morning I would not allow myself to eat breakfast until I finished writing the FINAL instructions for Odyssey for Hexie Love. And I did finish the instructions. And then, and only then, did I eat breakfast.

My goal for binding Odyssey? One side per day. And no, I did not quite get one side done yesterday. So I'll try to do extra today. If the weather cooperates, Saturday morning is scheduled for the Odyssey photo shoot. Finger crossed.

I have only one small errand to run today. So that means an entire day of sewing and working on Hexie Love. Fun day!

In addition to more Odyssey binding, I'm planning to work on the wedding quilt and the November BOM. But first I think I'll eat breakfast...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Doing My Own Thing...

Last night, I did my own thing, starting another Farmer's Daughter block using wedding quilt scraps.

And do you know why?'s because I got lots done during the day and felt I was ahead of schedule! A good feeling.

I machine stitched the binding to Odyssey. I made the hanging sleeve and machine stitched it. I started the hand stitching of the binding.

Today I'm ready to work play:

1. Work on next issue of Hexie Love.
2. Work on wedding quilt.
3. Do some hand stitching on the Odyssey binding.

I'm also planning to make a big pot of potato soup.

It should be a GREAT day!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

More Hexie Dilemma Answers...AND Progress!

This recent hexie question of how to appliqué a hexie quilt onto to border fabric has generated lots of interest! The Hexy Lady (love her!) even wrote an entire blog post to help out! Read it HERE!

I just couldn't stand it - I HAD to share a sneak peak (back side only) of the quilting on Odyssey! Isn't this fabulous? FABULOUS!! I told my wonderful quilter: no feathers, make it modern. And she certainly came through!

So, you know Cooper completely DESTROYED my little embroidery project on Friday. Yesterday we skipped out on going to the football game, stayed home and watched it (along with 357 other football games). During all this TV time, I began this again. Let me tell you, we watched a LOT of football. And I did a LOT of embroidery. By bedtime....I finished it!!! Woohoo!!! And now it is in a very HIGH place so Cooper can't get to it. 

Before the football games began yesterday, I trimmed Odyssey. And I made the binding. Today it will get sewn on and will be ready to the hand stitching!