
Monday, August 31, 2015

Hexie Love Issue 5 and the September Hexie BOM!

It's a double whammy month - the new issue of Hexie Love is available HERE! Still only $5.99! 

I sent out issue to all previous subscribers yesterday - if by some odd chance you did not receive yours, please let me know! Email me:

And here's the September Hexie BOM - it's another fun one. I am not super thrilled over my fabric choices - should have, would have, could have added more contrast. Oh well. They say some blocks should sing and some should just be quiet - so this one will be shy...

I hope you are all having a happy hexie week!!!

Weekend Fun (With My BERNINA!)

I spent a few hours with my BERNINA this weekend! Fun stuff!! Getting my Victoria Findlay Wolfe ON!!! You won't see much more of this quilt in progress - it's the WEDDING QUILT! And I want the finished product to be a surprise to the bride and groom. They know I'm making it, but don't know what it will look like...

Here was the view out my studio window Saturday. Lots of clouds and rain didn't bother me one little bit! I do hope no one ever builds a house across the street - I love my expansive view.

The big guy got a bath last night! Oh, he needed it! He's a challenge to bathe - we've tried doing it with a hose in the backyard, but it's hard to hit a moving target. He's much to big to get into a bathtub. So last night I tried something new: I took a shower with him. Yup, I did!

We have a large walk-in shower so we both fit just fine. I won't say that he enjoyed it, but he did tolerate it nicely. And in the end, we were both clean!

Tomorrow is the DAY! Did you remember? The new issue of Hexie Love is coming out!!! If you have subscribed in the past, your issue will appear in your e-mail. If you purchase single issues, simple go HERE to purchase it - still only $5.99!

I just realize I use way too many exclamation marks! It's just that I get excited! And I can't help it! Sorry!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2015

You Knew I Had To...

Yup... after cutting the pieced for a "I'm a Farmer's Daughter" quilt the night before, I just had to stitch some pieces together. I was so happy with this! Then I tried to pin the next piece to it and it didn't fit!!! What did I do wrong?

I finally figured it out... there are two kite shapes in the pattern and I stitched these together using the smaller one. Turns out this template is only for the setting triangles around the outside edges of the quilt. 

So I put it aside and cut 8 pieces with the bigger kite template.

This is how far I got yesterday - hard to tell, but this is definitely bigger than the first. So fun! And a great way to use some old, old scraps - many of them quite ugly on their own. I want to cut out several more blocks so I have little kits at the ready when I'm in the mood for them.

I'm paying for all my many hours of hand sewing hands are a bit sore this morning. It happens. I always listen to my hands! They are asking for a couple of days of rest. Today I need to do lots of computer work anyway. And I'll spend some time with my lovely BERNINA, too.

So what else is on the schedule? Putting sheets on a couple of beds, lunch with a friend, trip to the bank.... yada, yada, yada.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

So Many Quilts!

Yesterday I was a BUSY BEE, buzzing from one thing to another. I actually worked on 11 different quilts yesterday! How can that be?

1. I worked on the necktie project.

2. I cut out seven quilts! Okay, so it's just going to be big squares sewn together, but still, seven quilts!

3. I worked on next year's BOM. Trying to get ahead on this one!

4. I worked on my clamshell UFO.

5. I started this quilt. Yes, I know! I can't believe I started another project!!! I saw this pattern when I was in Atlanta last week and couldn't resist. I rarely buy patterns - I usually design my own quilts. But this Jen Kingwell pattern absolutely spoke to me. The directions start out by saying, "This quilt is not for the very beginner. Hand piecing is recommended." Okay, I'm up for the challenge!

I have LOTS of scraps to use in this one. And those neutral grays I bought earlier in the week? Those will be my background fabrics.

Yesterday I used template plastic to make all my templates for this. And I hand cut one block. This will be a long term on-going project.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More Fabric???!!!!

Okay. So here's the story behind my new acquisitions.

Yesterday I need to drive to Columbus, GA, to pick up the wedding dress. Off I went bright and early with my breakfast smoothie in my cup holder.

I won't go into all the details about spilling said smoothie in my lap halfway there, squeezing my knees together for 5 miles (to keep smoothie from getting on car seat) until I (finally!) found a place to pull over and clean my lap with anything I could find in my backseat. Luckily there was a stray towel back there. Oh dear, I think I just went into all the details. Oh well.

After all that, I decided I deserved a trip to the quilt shop in Columbus (which happens to be close to the bridal shop). I stocked up on some light gray neutrals - my favorite! While shopping, I carefully held my purse in front of the smoothie spill on my pants.

Then it was on to the bridal store to pick up the dress. And that was my morning. Back at home I changed pants and promptly spill lunch down my shirt. It was one of those days...

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Clamshells UFO!


Yesterday was the day! I finally pulled out another UFO to work on! I added two more rows of clamshells, and now have only ONE more row to go. This will be the center of a new quilt I'm designing, and YES, there will be hexies in this! You knew that already, I'll bet!

Today's list includes going over the next issue of Hexie Love one last time. September 1 is almost here! Maybe I'll stitch a few more clamshells, and I'll also work on my necktie project. Should be a fun day!

Our weather is still HOT, but not sweltering. Maybe Fall is just around the corner? I sure hope so. I went outside for just a minute or two yesterday afternoon to get the dogs in. When I came back inside, I had 7 mosquito bites and an allergy attack. And this is why I'm an inside girl... UGH!

Have a great day!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Hexies Galore and Doxie Love...

The photo is a bit dark, but how cute is this? Old man, Prince, was thoroughly bathing Mickey. And Mickey enjoyed every second of his licking bath.

Yesterday was a productive day! I finished the September BOM, including the perle cotton stitching. Not only that, but I added the sashing to the last three blocks and sewed them to the main quilt. Only three blocks to go!!!

I spent a couple of hours working on next year's block of the month project, too. AND, if that's not enough, I worked on my necktie project.

Today I have to take hubby's car back to the shop. Darn, the thing they fixed - is still broken. If they get done quickly enough, I may be driving over to Columbus, GA, to pick up a wedding dress... I'll be finishing up a section of the necktie quilt, too. And maybe more block of the month fun....

So glad to hear that I'm not alone in having multiple projects in various states of progress all going on at the same time. Have a great day!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hexie Helper

Prince was my hexie helper yesterday - that's the September BOM. He the old man - almost 15 and deaf, but still full of energy and zest for life. Lovely gray, distinguished face! This block WILL be finished TODAY!

Another item I accomplished yesterday: I tidied my sewing cart! It was such a mess! It took almost an hour to do this - well worth the effort!

I'm planning on spending some time in the studio today - more machine appliqué anyone? I'm getting addicted to this...  And later I just might pull out my necktie project.

Okay, so here's a question for you:

How many projects do you have going at one time?

I have a friend who works on only one project at a time. She finishes it all the way, including quilting and binding. And then, and only then, does she start something new. I am just the opposite! I'm working on this year's BOM, next year's BOM, the necktie project, and soon I'll be starting next year's progressive quilt for Hexie Love. Almost forgot about the wedding quilt! And this doesn't include all my UFO's! I do think it's time to attack another UFO - I've only finished two of them so far this year. I'll put that on my list for today - to decide which UFO is up next.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Machine Applique and Puppy Sitting

Yesterday I DID fit in some studio time! Yay for machine appliqué! Turned out nicely, don't you think? My BERNINA makes this so easy. She (all sewing machines ARE female!) even told me when I was using the wrong foot. What a wonderful friend she is!

I took a quick pic of my settings because I'll be wanting to remember them for other similar projects.

I had to take hubby's car into the shop yesterday morning early. They had the cutest shop puppy! Her name is Scout and I entertained her for the thirty minutes it took to fix the car.

Then last night hubby and I puppy-sat for our grand-dog, Scout - two Scouts in one day! What fun!

Today I need to go to the grocery store. No food in the house! And there may be more machine appliqué... And a bit of perle cotton embroidery on the September BOM. Have a great Saturday!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hexie Mania (and How to Save a PDF)

Here are some photos from my class on Wednesday. Someone organized her circles organized in the floor.

Hexie are getting laid out..

Purple love...

More circle organization...

Polka dotty hexies!

Getting a row sewn together!

And now...
I'm getting a few questions on how to download and save a PDF if you have previously purchased an issue through Joomag. Once in the Joomag site, click on this button to download a PDF.

Once the PDF has downloaded, simply save it to your computer. You'll need to do this for each issue you have.

Today I'm going to be in my studio for a bit. I'm planning some machine appliqué on my trusty BERNINA. And I may do some cutting for the wedding quilt on my Accuquilt! Fun stuff! Hope you have a happy hexie day!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Gwinnett County Quilt Guild!

This was my view just before I spoke to the guild. Big group! And they were so nice and very talented.

I had my displays set up beside the stage. These visuals really help me to explain some of my points as I speak.

And on the other side of the stage I had my piles of quilts to share - each one has a lesson or story to go along with it.

I spoke "off the cuff" with no notes. Before I knew it I'd been speaking 45 minutes, non-stop, and I think they all enjoyed it. One of the ladies told me that the time flew by while I spoke; seems she's heard other speakers in which time slowed down? Haha! After I spoke there was a break in the meeting and they had an opportunity to buy my books. And BUY they did!

Tomorrow I'll share photos from my Hexie Mania class!

Today I'm unpacking and getting back into my normal routine. I have a quilt guild meeting tonight and lunch with a friend tomorrow. Oh, and I have lots of hexies to stitch - they are calling my name! I brought home a boat load of fabric I purchased at Intown Quilters Monday afternoon when I arrived in the Atlanta area - so now I can start working on the wedding quilt, too! So many projects! And that's a good thing!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Back Home!

Just pulled in from a FUN three days in Atlanta, visiting with the Gwinnett County Quilt Guild. They are a wonderful group of talented quilters and we got our HEXIE on!

Pictures to come in the morning, after I've had a chance to catch up!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Walking Downtown...

Yesterday afternoon hubby and I walking a bit in downtown Auburn. The main intersection at Toomer's Corner has been closed off all summer and they've recently opened it up to traffic again (thank goodness). You may remember my talking about our magnificent oak trees (the Toomer Oaks) which have marked the corner of campus for 80 years. They were poisoned by a rival fan a few years ago and subsequently died.

It was terribly sad for all Auburn fans, but the good news is that replacing the oaks brought about a remodel of the entire corner. (Above is one of the two new replacement oaks.) They have widened the walkways, added LOTS of benches, and beautified the area. The benches all have cell phone charging stations - handy for the thousands of students that are here.

Boomers Drugs was booming while we walked - dozens going in and out for their freshly made lemonade.

And in the middle of the intersection you can see a glimpse of the tiger paw, newly laid in pavers. In the past the paw was simply painted in the intersection. I love all the improvements!

After I finish this post I'll start loading my car - headed to Atlanta!!! Some retail therapy is in my future! And lots of hexie fun!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Hexie Productivity!

Despite waking up with a severe sinus headache, I managed to get lots done yesterday. Yay for me!!

The September BOM was prepared for appliqué and said appliqué has begun! 

I also worked on another BOM for....wait for it....
JANUARY, 2016!!!!!!!!

Yes, there will be another one! I think Block of the Month quilts are so popular because with just a bit of effort each month (in between other on-going projects), at the end of the year (BOOM!) you have a fabulous quilt! I try to change things up each year and 2016 will be no exception! This quilt will be very different from the previous BOM's I've designed. Each block will be big and bold!

My editor came over in the afternoon and we worked through some Hexie Love edits. 

And so today....
The applique on the September block will continue, and will hopefully be completed. I'll also work on that January, 2016, block. AND, I need to pack my quilty stuff! I'm on the road tomorrow - headed to Atlanta for a few days for a fun time with the Gwinnett Quilters' Guild! (And I may do a bit of fabric shopping while there....)  #WeddingQuilt!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Next Cover!

Here's an image of the next issue! And I'm happy to report that last night (after I got home from a cocktail party!) I sat down and finished up this issue. I sent it to my editor late last night. Woohoo!

That quilt on the cover? It's spectacular and was made by Mickey Depre, the featured artist in this issue.

This was one of those crazy, busy weeks. A quilt luncheon. Nephew spent one night with us. Friends came to get their load of college stuff stored in our garage. Not one, but TWO cocktail parties. Termite inspection. Yada, yada. Just lots of stuff going on! I really can't believe that I managed to finish the Hexie Love issue, too, way ahead of schedule. It won't be published until September 1.

A note about my new delivery system. For those of you who have purchased previous issues (or subscribed) though Joomag:

PLEASE be sure to save a PDF of the issues as soon as you can. In other words, if you simply view the issue through the Joomag site (without downloading a PDF) - I'm talking to you! My contract with Joomag will be expiring in about 6 weeks and I will not be renewing. And if you have not saved a PDF on your computer, you will no longer be able to see the issue.  So go ahead now and get those PDF's! If you have any trouble with this, send me an email and I'll send you a link to the appropriate issue's PDF. Don't forget to tell me which issue(s) you paid for (1,2,3, or 4).

So, what's on tap today? I think I'll work on the September BOM. And maybe, just maybe, I'll put my tidying hat on and work in the studio. As of this moment, I'm enjoying a couple of cups of coffee with two dachshunds in my lap. Cooper is under the big ottoman chewing the remnants of a roll of toilet paper he stole from the bathroom this morning - at least it was almost empty....

Friday, August 14, 2015

Coloring Books!

Have you jumped on the coloring book bandwagon? It is said that they are great stress relievers. I bought a few a couple of weeks ago. I haven't actually colored yet, but maybe today? (Though don't worry, I'm not at all stressed!)

And here is something I found interesting this week. This came with our local newspaper. PLEASE tell me this is NOT the new "back to school" look! OH. MY. Ridiculous! If my girls had ever tried to dress like this for school, they would have been sent back to their room to change.

Yesterday was one of those "revolving door" days. My nephew had spent the night before with us and left early to move into his dorm. Bug man came - termite inspection. Neighbor came over for an hour or so. And I went to a party last night (college sorority).

And in between, I managed to get lots done! I worked on Hexie Love. I (finally!) finished stitching together the hexies for the September BOM. I kept changing my mind on some of the I kept having to baste more hexies. I put the last stitch in minutes before I left for the party.

And so today...
Today I will work more on Hexie Love. And I'll prepare to appliqué the BOM to the background. And maybe another thing or two...
Hope you have a happy hexie day!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Quilted Pillows

One of the good things about going to Birthday Block luncheons is seeing other quilter's homes and quilts. I loved all the quilted pillows on this bed! I took along my orphan block quilt to show my friends. They had fun finding their blocks.

Today is another busy one! I got ALMOST done with my list yesterday - just a bit more stitching to get the September BOM put together. Today I'll finish that and get it ready for appliqué - maybe tonight I can do the appliqué.

I'm going to lay out another article for Hexie Love today, also. Maybe two articles? And I have several emails to compose and send. That should be enough for today! Lots going on here!

I'm trying to finish this issue of Hexie Love in the next few days so my editors (hubby and Daughter 1) have plenty of time to check it.

One of my friends mentioned yesterday that she misses my UFO projects showing up on the blog. Yes, I do need to pick another one to work on! I've only finished two of them this year.

It's a beautiful day here today - much cooler, though still hot. We are ready for some relief from the heat! One of my nephews spent the night with us last night - he's moving into his dorm at Auburn this morning. So glad it won't be scorching while move in happens....

Better pick up my needle and thread...

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What Happened to Tuesday??

Or maybe this should be titled, "Why I Didn't Blog Yesterday."

Hubby had to get up extra early to get to work, and as always, I got up with him to make him a to-go coffee and fruit/protein smoothie for his 1 hour commute. So I started the day out TIRED. Then I spent the morning getting my hair done - I'd let it go all summer and yes, it took all morning to get it looking decent again. I'm all highlighted and cut - raring to go!

But, by the afternoon my early wake up had caught up with me. So I took a lovely nap. By that time I still had plenty of time to get some work done, but I just couldn't get going. And so, that was Tuesday.

Today is another day!!! I have a Birthday Block Luncheon to attend. And the rest of the day will be spent getting things done!!! My list today:

1. Finish layout of a Hexie Love article.
2. Finish stitching together the September BOM.
3. Attend Birthday Block luncheon!!!

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Got My Baste On!!!

I did LOTS of hexie basting yesterday! And though I did not fussy cut any fabric, look at these two - they certainly look like I fussy cut them perfectly...

Aren't they lovely? Today I'll work on stitching them together. #HexieBOM

I'm also working on the layout of the next Hexie Love issue today. This is my first time doing it without the constraints of Joomag, so there is a bit of a learning curve for me. BUT, the good news is that I think it will look even better when I'm done!!!

Hubby continued his tidying of our closet yesterday. I'm happy to report that our closet is now officially TIDY! Every single drawer, every single hanger. Every drawer in both the closet and bedroom is neat (or empty).

I think the next frontier for me is my studio space. I have quilting supplies in every closet in our upstairs, so I do have a lot to do. I think I'll start with my quilting books today.

Today I have BIG news for Hexie Love! It looks like I have my first advertiser! I'm hoping to land enough advertising to cover my costs of producing each issue.

Thanks to all of you for continuing to support the magazine! I knew the first year would be a slow start. But it's building steam all the time. I've had so many people purchase an issue, or two, or four just in the last couple of weeks since I changed the delivery system.

I'm listening to you! Let me know of any suggestion you have. Or artists you'd like to hear from. Or if you have an ORIGINAL small project or pattern you'd like to submit!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

In Between Hexies...

Here are the TWELVE garbage bags stuffed with my discarded clothing and shoes that I dropped off at Goodwill on Friday. My plan is to make a drop off there every Friday with what I've culled out during the week.


The book says that you can't tidy someone else's stuff. However, it also says that the process is very contagious. If someone sees how great your areas are looking, the tidying bug just might spread to them. Well it happened! Yesterday hubby spent an hour or two in our closet with a pile of garbage bags. Now his part of the closet is looking good! And he filled up enough bags to fill up my car. So I'll be making another trip to Goodwill Monday for a drop off.

I'm almost done tidying my clothes. And then what? The book suggested doing books next. But I think I'll move on to either my costume jewelry or my studio. The studio will take some time - LOTS of fabric, you know. But I'm up for it. A little bit of time per day gets the job done!

As for today...there will be hexies basted!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Clamshells and Hexies

For today's sewing pleasure...I have pretty fabrics cut and ready to baste. #2015HexieBOM! I also have a pile of necktie chunks ready to baste. Looks like a BASTING day. It's all about the baste, 'bout the baste, 'bout the baste...

I put these clamshells on my design wall yesterday. A bit wrinkled, but aren't they lovely? I have an idea for these to grow into a quilt. Yes, the idea includes hexies, of course. But this will have to wait until I've finished putting together the next issue of Hexie Love!

I received the sweetest comment on Facebook yesterday:

"Hi Julia! I've been following your blog for a little while now but hadn't bought any magazines until today. I bought the first issue & loved it, have read it from cover to cover. Will be back for all the issues in the future, keep up the great work!"

Isn't that sweet? It made my day! It gives me the energy and push I need to ...gulp...try to get some advertisers! I tried a bit last year, but it was hard for companies to bite on a magazine that (at that time) was just a dream. I hope this year I can get a few sponsors on board. I could use some extra money coming in so that I can keep bringing fabulous hexie quilters to you! AND if I get enough advertisers, maybe in the future the magazine can even be made available in PRINT - wouldn't that be wonderful!!!

On the TIDYING front....yesterday was a big day! I filled up FIVE large garbage bags with clothing to donate to a charity! I still have to go through shoes, legging, and shorts. But it's definitely looking great. I see why this book says that tidying can be life changing! 

I'm doing something fun tonight --- someone has started a Modern Quilt Guild in Auburn! Whoa, baby! I'll be there! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

More Tie Destruction

This morning I've pulled out my bag of neckties and my scissors; it's time to glean more fabric for my project. An hour or so of destruction should get me going on this again.

Have you been reading about how sitting is the new smoking? Sitting too much is bad for our health. Well, I sit a LOT! I sit to do my computer work. I sit to sew. I just sit. I know some are getting standing desks. Yesterday I looked around and realized that my kitchen counter would work just as well. So I set my laptop on a cutting board and worked standing for more than an hour. I like this! I have a view of the living room, the dogs, the TV.

I just realized I'm sitting now. I should have stood up to write this post! I guess I need to change my habits.

The tidying continues. I filled another large garbage bag yesterday. And I found a long sleeve t-shirt that I've been missing for over 3 years! Yay me!

Today I also need to start working on the September BOM - it's coming up before I know it!

Have a happy hexie day!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Necktie Progress...and Tidying!

My necktie project is coming along nicely...almost done with the first of six sections. I hope to finish up the section TODAY!!!

I'm also working hard on the next issue of Hexie Love - it's going to be a great one! The featured hexie artist? It's a biggie!!!!! MICKEY DEPRE!!! She rocks a hexie, doesn't she?!


Are you one of the FEW people who have not heard of this book yet? I bought the Kindle version and have been devouring it. Being a trained Industrial Engineer - the efficiency experts of the Engineering world, I thought I was an expert on organizing. BUT I'M NOT! 

I'm not finished reading the book yet, but I've read enough to get started on my tidying mission. I started with my t-shirts yesterday. I did it just as directed in the book. I touched every shirt. I got rid of the ones that don't spark joy, first thanking them for their service. No music or TV in the background. I know it sounds dippy, but it worked.

Then I neatly folded the remaining shirts and placed them in a drawer. I had been hanging them in my closet - but the author recommends folding most of our clothes.

I'll attack other shirts today -  the author says to start with clothes, one category at a time. Then we'll do books, papers, etc. At some point I'll tackle my studio. 

It sounds so simple, but I do think it will be life changing. Once it's done. In about 6 months. I'll get back to you on that... So far 1 garbage bag ready to be donated to a charity.

You may remember that I did a major closet clean out just about 18 months ago - obviously I did not get rid of enough! This time I will.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Quilting Arts DVDs!

Look what I got in the mail - both Quilting Arts TV DVDs that I'm in! The one on the left is Season 13 from a couple of years ago - but the information is all still relevant of course. And on the right is season 16.

Do you see the covers? My hexies are on the front cover of BOTH! Happy Dance!

So what else is going on around here? Lots of busy-ness! Though picking fabric for wedding quilt(s) is understandably not high on my daughter's priority list, it is VERY high on mine. I saw this funny which I know quilters will understand.

Haha! How timely and appropriate!

Daughter 2 is deeply immersed in her fourth year of Pharmacy School and there is no time to go fabric shopping. But I found a solution. I spent a couple of hours yesterday searching on for fabrics I thought she and her fiancé would like. I pinned them all on a joint private Pinterest board. Then she could quickly 'like' the ones she wanted. That was easy!

So today I'll be making a big fabric order and the sewing can soon begin!

A big thanks to all of you for the HUGE response I've gotten to the NEW Hexie Love system! Issues have been flying off the virtual shelf! Isn't this an easy way to get the issues?! 

So have you bought yours yet? Just go to Hexie Love to do so! Easy peasy!