
Friday, May 29, 2015

Catch Up Day...

I finished the Perle Cotton stitching on the June BOM yesterday - photography today! Woo-hoo! Unfortunately, I didn't much else done... spent time house know the drill.

So today I have a long list. Gotta get to work!


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Welcome Home!

So glad to have my baby back where she belongs! I got her set up and going yesterday - my first priority of the day. She must have enjoyed her spa visit because she's humming along nicely. I gave her a small workout to piece together a few background units.  #BERNINAUSA

I got the entire June BOM appliquéd to its background. This one is a bit different, but I love it! Today I'll do the perle cotton hand stitching.

I also made more tie hexies - I have a nice pile now!

When I got my new computer a few weeks ago all the info from my old computer was transferred to it. BUT, as often happens, some of my software wouldn't start without my entering the codes from the software. I'm not the most organized person. I'd found the box to my Office software and gotten that going immediately. Yesterday I was determined to find my EQ7 box to re-activate it. I'd already looked in all the usual places. No luck. And then I looked up. There it was on a shelf above the drawer where I typically store software. Yay! EQ7 is up and running. I use it to make diagrams for Hexie Love and to design lots of quilts.

Today's list includes:
1. Perle cotton hand stitching on June BOM
2. Lay out magazine pages for July/Aug issue
3. More tie hexies

And if I can fit it in....some housework. :(

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tie One On

Remember those old neckties I was given a couple of years ago? I pulled them out yesterday and began to take them apart. And yes, I made hexies from them. You knew that would happen, didn't you?  I'll try to do a few each day until I have enough to do a project (which I have already designed).

I also sewed together the June BOM. The appliqué will happen today!

My MIL's surgery (knee replacement) went well. Hopefully her recovery will go well, too.

I may venture to the library today. We watched a movie on Netflix over the weekend that I really enjoyed - The Prize Winner of Defiant, Ohio. It's based on a true story and now I want to read the book. The main character reminds me of! A mother of 10 children helped support her family by winning contests. Now I'm lucky I've never had to help support my family this way, but I did enter a lot of contests when I was younger - before the quilting bug hit.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

31 Years....

Today is our 31st wedding anniversary. We almost forgot this morning, but I remembered to say "Happy Anniversary" right as hubby was heading out the door. No worries since we celebrated all weekend long.

Hubby is headed to Birmingham this morning where his mother is having surgery. He'll get there in time to see her just before she is taken back (hopefully). We pray all will go well and she'll have a speedy recovery. It's always scary when someone in their 80's has surgery.

After I finish my morning coffee, I'll get to work - so many plans today! Hope you have a productive day!

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Long Weekend...

Here in the US, we had a long weekend, celebrating Memorial Day today. We enjoyed every second of the weekend. I'd stocked up on lots of grilling ingredients. We grilled out salmon, burgers, steaks, and chicken. Yes, we ate well!

Sunday we went to the lake for a few hours. Hubby helped me with a photo shoot for Hexie Love. I took the next pieces for the Odyssey Quilt and we photographed them with the lake in the background.

There was an art show down the road, so we checked that out. Love art shows!!!!

I get so much inspiration from others' art. There were paintings, purses, metal work, jewelry, etc.

I loved everything!!!!

Hubby and I have our 31st Anniversary tomorrow - Tuesday. We decided to buy a piece of art to celebrate. Hmmm..... what to pick? We almost bought a lighthouse painting. And then there was a cool boat painting.

We also loved the metal fish.

But we came home with this whimsical painting of a yellow lab on wood. It reminded us of Cooper. We haven't hung it yet, but will do so soon.

I'll be working this week on laying out and designing pages for the next issue of Hexie Love. And sewing on my BERNINA! I got it back from its maintenance check today. Oh, I've missed her! I'll definitely put her to work tomorrow.

Another thing on my list: the June Block of the Month! June will be here SOON!

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Here are some hexies I'm working on today. Bright and beautiful! And today the weather is bright and beautiful - a lovely day in Auburn. Hubby and I are hanging out close to home today. He's going to do a bit of yard work and I'll do a bit of housework. I'm also hoping to put that Quick Books class to good use - not the most exciting way to spend a Saturday, but it needs to be done...

Yesterday was my last day of Scout sitting. Before he left I had to get a hexie shot of him. He cooperated fully, knowing I had a treat in my pocket. Sit? Sure! Lie down? No problem! Shake hands? I'm on it! He's so smart! He's going to a puppy training class today - I think his classmates will be very impressed and I'm sure he'll be at the head of the class. Go Scout!

Have a happy hexie Saturday!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Quilting Arts!

I have an article in the current issue of Quilting Arts magazine! Quilting Arts has started linking up their TV show to the magazine (which I love!), so they now ask many TV guests to write an article for the magazine. I'm really happy with how it turned out! And I think the TV show will be on later this summer - I'll keep you posted on that.

I knew the issue was out and have been visiting my local Books-A-Million almost daily to see it, but they didn't have it in yet. Yesterday the UPS guy brought me a few issues - yay!

I THINK I finished the denim quilt top last night...THINK is the operative word here...if I look at it again in an hour I may find something else to add. :)

Either way, I'm moving on to something else this morning. I'm doing a bit of stitching on Odyssey, the progressive quilt from Hexie Love. Are you caught up on yours? I've seen a few in progress - looking great, I must say!

I'll also be working on a project in my studio. I haven't been up there in a few weeks. My sewing machine is still away getting it's maintenance check up, but I won't need my BERNINA for this little project.

Did you notice I wrote BERNINA in all caps? I participated in my first BERNINA Ambassador Webinar yesterday and learned it should always be in all caps. I learned a few other fun things too!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


"Steamy" is the official weather forecast for today...and 90 degrees F. That does not sound pleasant...especially for the month of May. I will have two fans aimed at me on the back porch today while the doggies play and I stitch.

I'm having a bit too much fun with this piece, I'll admit it. Just when I think I'm almost done, I decided to add a bit more here and there and everywhere. And that's just fine with me. It's not about finishing fast! It's about enjoying the process.

It seems there was a long time period in the world of quilting when it was all about finishing FAST. Projects were designed to be QUICK and EASY - done in a weekend or even a day. I'm so glad that many are now focused on slowing down, making more complicated and intricate designs, taking their time and enjoying the journey. Yay for Slow Sewing!

Did you know that today is my last full day of puppy sitting? My SIL is close to finishing the school year where he teaches/coaches and he will be taking over. After today I'll have him for the morning on Friday and then he'll be at his own home every day. He's been a joy and my dogs have all adjusting nicely to having him around. Cooper, especially, will miss having him around.

Speaking of which, it's almost time for Scout to arrive. I'll wrap this up and get ready for a morning of slow sewing...

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Oh Where, Oh Where Have I Been....

We went to the lake for a couple of days...ahhhhhh.......a little R and R.

And this week has been crazy busy so far. Yesterday I spotted a snake in the backyard. It isn't venomous, thank goodness. But still, a snake - eeeeekkk!

Today I took a four hour class on Quick Books at my accountant's office. I learned some new things, so that is good.

Tomorrow, I'll be participating in a one hour webinar with Bernina. I think I forgot to mention here that I have been named as a Bernina Ambassador Loyalist. It's a bit different than an Ambassador, but I get to do all the fun things an Ambassador does. Yay me! And I am definitely loyal to Bernina! Love my machine!

No, I didn't go to Spring Quilt Market, though it looks like it was wonderful. I won't miss Fall Market though. I'm still stitching away on my denim project and Odyssey. Hope you're having a happy hexie week!

Friday, May 15, 2015

More, More, MORE...How Do You Like It?

I'm keeping on keeping on.... lots of stitching!

It's cloudy and drizzling here today. Yuck! But I know we do need some rain on our lawn, so it's all good. I've already tired out the puppy outside (Cooper really did all the work) and he's now napping in his crate. So we're back inside to do some sewing.

It's going to be a hexie day!!!! Make it a great one!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Patio Patchwork

I am spending hours every day on our back patio, watching the puppy play with Cooper. Our doxies aren't that interested in him anymore, so Cooper keeps him entertained. Lucky for me, there is a ceiling fan, and outdoor recliner, and a television to watch while I stitch. Tough life, I know. I am making lots of progress on this little project which seems to be growing into a big project.  I used to watch a cake decorating show and the baker always said,"The more I add, the better the cake looks." Well, that sums up my little/big project. I keep adding more stuff to it - more embroidery, more hexies, more embellishments. And it keeps improving! So I guess I'll keep going. Sometimes, more is more!

Hexie Love reached a milestone today! And that makes me happy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Embroidered Hexie!

Yesterday was very productive! I finished one project - love it! But I can't even show you a sneak peak of it yet - it will make it's debut in the next issue of Hexie Love.

I can show you a sneak peak of my embroidered hexie (on denim).  This is creative play and I love it! I plan to work on this project today, along with more of Odyssey.

Scout will arrive in a few minutes for the morning. So I'll be taking my stitching out on the porch so I can work and he can play. Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Try, Try Again!

Ta dah! Here's the photo I wanted to post yesterday. Isn't this fabric GORGEOUS?! It's an Echino linen I purchased in Houston last fall. I am putting some of it to use today - a Hexie Love project that I think you will LOVE!

The weather here has been nice, so I take my projects out on the covered patio, turn on the ceiling fan and either the TV or the radio. I can comfortably work while puppy Scout plays with my dogs in the yard. Yesterday I taught him to lie down on command. So cute!

I'm working on THREE projects at once this week. I think I'll finish the one above today. If I work hard, I may finish one more today. The other will take a bit more fun work. Are you making hexies today?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Happy Monday!

Hello! Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! The girls and our SIL came over for lunch yesterday that hubby picked up from a local restaurant. No cooking for me! Wonderful day.

Saturday hubby and I drove over to Georgia for a bit to drop off my beloved Bernina for her check up. So I'm without her for a bit, but I will manage. Then we came back to Auburn and visited the computer store. I got a new computer! Yay!

There are a few things that are a bit different, including the photo stuff....which is why the gorgeous photo I had planned for this post is not here... learning curve.... I'll get one of my daughters to help me with it later today.

I did a good bit of hexie stitching over the weekend and there is more to come today! Scout will arrive in a bit and have projects lined up for puppy sitting duty. I love to stitch on the back patio while Scout and Cooper have a great time romping in the yard. I can keep one eye on them and the other on my sewing. Works great!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Ring Around the Hexies

This time the stripes are running around the hexies - do you see that I'm working with some denim in the background? What will this be? I think you'll like it!

And here is sweet Cooper, just back from a vet visit yesterday afternoon. He has allergies and I got him some medicine. He has lost another 8 pounds since his last vet trip a few months ago. In less than a year he has gone from 92 pounds (eek!) to a svelte 74.6! He has reached his goal (thanks to me!) of being just under 75 pounds! So proud of my guy! He was a challenging puppy, to say the least, but all the trouble was so worth it. He's sweet and calm and a joy.

We had had blue birds flitting around our back patio for weeks, but they never settled. Yesterday they finally got busy and starting nesting in the bird bottle.

Happy Friday to you!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Orange and Purple

I love orange and purple together! The purple looks pink here in the photo for some reason. Anyway, it's a wonderful color combination.

I finally got the pile of hexies stitched together yesterday. Today I'll be working more on this project, along with another. I think much of my work will happen on the back patio. Scout can wander and play to his heart's content!

I saw this old photo from my high school days last night. Can you spot me?

I'm on the front row, second from the right with the looong, blonde hair. Yes, I was in the band and played flute - I was pretty good back in the day.

We are busy fighting little home battles this week. The AC man came Tuesday to fix the upstairs air conditioning. And now? The downstairs air conditioning has a problem. We spent a couple of hours trying to fix it last night (we think it's a clogged drain) to no avail. I think I may have another visit from the AC guy today.

Meanwhile, yesterday's lunch with my newest friend was so fun! We feel like we are kindred spirits and have so much in common. We're the same age, both blonde, and our kids are even the same ages, though her kids are boys. We both have a quilting business. We couldn't stop talking! We're lucky the restaurant didn't kick us out because we stayed so long.

Better run....Scout just arrived and we have some playing to do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Leaning Tower of...Hexies

Woo hoo! Here's my pile of hexies ready to be sewn together. I meant to do this last night, but just never did. I will today! I just got back inside from playing with Scout (and tiring him out). He's ready for a nap - while I make a few phone calls and then STITCH HEXIES!

I'm meeting a friend for lunch in a few hours - she's a new quilty friend and I look forward to getting to know her. I had a phone call yesterday from a quilty friend who now lives in South Carolina. We were buddies when we both lived in Birmingham. I may be going to visit her (and her quilt guild) next year. AND I found out yesterday that a friend from YEARS ago in my Engineering days is working in Auburn!!!! I plan on reconnecting with her soon. Aren't friends, new and old, the best!!!!???

I wish you a great day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


While sweet puppy, Scout, was napping this afternoon, I cut up some stripes. All ready for EPP! They are resting on a little trivet I bought in Germany several years ago. I love those ladies in their bright clothes. 

I plan on stitching these TONIGHT! 

The Google Map Guy

Have you ever seen the Google Maps car driving around your area. I've spotted it a couple of times, including while I was in Cleveland filming for QATV. Yesterday as I drove to my OB/GYN appointment, I saw the car parked on campus. (My doctor is on campus, at the University Health Center).

Then as I pulled into the clinic parking lot, I saw this guy! I know it's not the best photo. but that's the Google Map camera over his head. (Click on the photo to make it bigger.) He was walking campus to get photos. He was very nice and stopped to pose. This was a first for me! My younger daughter saw him later in the day on the opposite side of campus.

Yesterday was a whirlwind and I never picked up a needle and thread, though I did get some computer work done. Today sewing WILL HAPPEN!!!

And now for some Hexie Love news---
When a new issue comes out, I always send a free link to anyone who contributed, namely Mary Kerr for the latest issue. Apparently I was not careful when I sent her the issue - I accidentally selected EVERYONE who has previously bought an issue - so, many of you are sending me e-mails thanking me for the free issue. You're welcome. My bad, but your good fortune! I not going to attempt to take it back; I'm just chalking it up to my learning curve. I hope you all love the issue and consider it a gift for your support.

Speaking of which, isn't it a GREAT issue!!! I'm getting fantastic feedback from many of you!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Hexies and Bikes!

We had a beautiful weekend here - lots of sun! And, yes, I made time for hexies!

The Bo Bikes Bama ride went right by our house Saturday morning. We set up chairs on our lawn, had our shakers, and drinks and snacks.

We saw lots of famous people ride by including Lance Armstrong, Picabo Street, Ken Griffey, Jr., a actor from the movie, Selma, and many more. Above are Auburn's football coach, Gus Malzahn, and Auburn's basketball coach, Bruce Pearl. Oh, and yes, Bo Jackson, too!

Someone came over to watch - he was mesmerized!

Scout should be here any minute this morning. I'm going to get him very tired out (Cooper will help) so he'll nap in his crate while I have a doctor's appointment. And I have lots of hexie plans for later today. I'm working on a new magazine project that I think every single one of you will want to make! That's enough of a hint for now...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Hexies

Hubby and I went out for dinner last night and then I settled in to baste hexies. Here's what I accomplished - love to use these little clips to hold set together. Today I'll be stitching the hexies together and maybe even doing some hexie appliqué.

And for those of you asking about this's the scoop!

Hexie Medallions, from the Star Landing line by Jenean Morrison for Free Spirit.

Today I'll also hang out in the yard a bit. Why? Bo Bikes Bama is coming right down our street later this morning! Bo Jackson, a former Auburn football star (Heisman Trophy winner) and professional football and baseball player, leads a bike ride each year. Participants pay to join in, with the money going to charity. I'm thrilled the route comes down our street this year. I hope to get some good photographs.

I realized a couple of days ago that my beloved computer is near death. I think a fatal crash is only days away. So today I'll be purchasing a new one - while the current one is still well enough that the data can be transferred over.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, May 1, 2015

New Issue of Hexie Love! And May Block of the Month!

The new issue is here! I do hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together! Lots of patterns, lots of color, lots of hexie fun!

And the new BOM pattern is here, too!

Have a Happy Hexie Friday!